My assistant

Every month our team at Stella & Dot gets together.

It's a great time for acknowledging achievements and promotions 
but also a chance to share ideas and gain support. 

If you are a woman looking for a great supportive group of woman to interact with maybe the Stella opportunity is something for you to consider. 
I have made some great friends during my time with Stella & Dot

This month I was able to bring my little assistant 
with me to help check in our stylists at our meeting. 
A soon to be Stella & Dot stylist I am sure ! 

She already styles me and helps me pick out my jewels to buy during new arrivals.
Cassidy is rocking our Havana Pendant (her go to piece for summer) 
and its a great price point at only $39. 

This is another perk of Stella & Dot, as it allows flexible careers for woman with children ! This is a constant struggle with woman in the workforce and I love that this opportunity allows  woman who can't afford daycare or need a job that allows them to bring their kids. 

Feel free to ask me about the opportunity ! I would love to have you join our team. 
Doesn't matter where you're located. 

Or feel free to visit my site to see more information on being a stylist like me !
Remember, $199 also gets you $350 in free jewelry !!

Tanya Jean 


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